Fiona Marsden: freelance writer/editor

Book reviews

I’ve written several book reviews for the health and wellbeing magazine alive Australia:


A Balance of Self: a new approach to self-understanding, lasting happiness and self-truth
‘On the bookshelf’ section, alive Australia magazine
Autumn 2012 issue

“The word ‘balance’ is thrown around a lot these days. We talk about finding a balance between our working lives and our home lives; between our responsibilities to others and our commitment to ourselves. But what does balance really mean, and how can we find it? …”


Kitchen Gardens of Australia
Eighteen productive gardens for inspiration and practical advice

‘On the bookshelf’ section, alive Australia magazine
Spring 2011 issue

“Australians are taking a burgeoning interest in what we eat and where it comes from … [and] when it comes to knowing where your food is grown, it’s hard to get more local than your own backyard …”



Vegetarian—100 inspiring recipes for every occasion
‘On the bookshelf’ section, alive Australia magazine
Winter 2011 issue

“If you’re anything like me, you probably know you should eat more veggies, but you’re just not sure how to make it happen … Now, along comes a book that provides plenty of impetus to help you translate good intentions into tasty, nutritious dishes …”








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