Fiona Marsden: freelance writer/editor

Psychology & society

The world today seems more frenzied than ever. Many people are struggling to redefine their relationships with friends, family and the wider community. Here is a selection of my articles dealing with psychological and social/global themes.


“Facing up to body image”
Venture magazine
(Swinburne University, Issue Four, 2013)

“During the 1970s, consumers saw 500 advertisements per day. In today’s multimedia landscape, that figure has ballooned to 5000. At the same time, there’s a growing gap between idealised images in the media and the way people look in real life … “

Read the full article here.



“Home on the horizon”
Venture magazine
(Swinburne University insert in The Age, 9 August 2012)

“Adolescence is tough on any teenager, but a turbulent home life makes it even harder. When things get too much, some young people feel there’s no choice but to leave home … “

Read the full article here.



“Home, sustainable home”
Making Cities Work magazine
(RMIT University insert in the Australian Financial Review, 9 June 2011)

“Think of sustainable housing design, and you probably think of rainwater tanks and alternative energy. But when your home and community have been destroyed by natural or man-made disasters, a truly sustainable rebuilding project involves much more than eco-friendliness …”

Read the full article here (scroll to page 22).


“Take control”
Shine magazine (MBF and HBA health funds) February 2011

Most Australians … say they can’t devote enough time to family, friends, the wider community and importantly, themselves. In this environment, taking control of your life and making constructive choices may seem like climbing Mount Everest, but it doesn’t have to be so daunting …”


Dealing with disappointment - cover“Dealing with disappointment”
Mindfood magazine, December 2008

“Career, relationships, friendships, family, finances, health…in any area of life, you’re bound to experience disappointment at some time. So, what causes this seemingly universal phenomenon…[and] most importantly, how can we use disappointment constructively to learn more about ourselves and life?”

Read the full article here


Nature & Health magazine, October–November 2008

“What do you look for when you shop for a new outfit? Colour, fit, price? Something that looks contemporary, yet suits your body shape? For a growing number of Australians, these considerations are no longer enough. They want to know what’s gone into making the garment hanging on the rack. They want fashion …produced in a way that makes a positive contribution to the earth and its people…”


Toxic behaviour - cover

“Protect yourself from toxic behaviour”
Nature & Health magazine, FebruaryMarch 2008

“Ever worked with someone who constantly undermined you? Or had a relative who tried to run your life? A partner who repeatedly criticises you? If so, you’ve been exposed to toxic behaviour. No matter how hard you try to ignore it, toxic behaviour can get under your skin. At worst, it can shatter your confidence and harm your health…”










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